@misc{_File_1962, editor={T.Madecki, dr med.}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={1962}, language={pol}, abstract={Autopsy examination of 24-year-old patient was performed. Neuropathological evaluation in light microscopy was based on brain paraffin sections stained with Hematoxylin-eosin, van Gieson, cresyl - violet and Heidenhain method.A large cavity after tissue disintegration was found in the medial temporal gyrus. The area most closely resembled the defect - demyelinated, covered by a spongy lesion with thinning of the glia, almost exclusively astrocytes remained. The edge of the cavity was hypertrophied with connective tissue fibers, with occasional single macrophages visible in the cavity lumen. The hippocampal gyrus showed numerous cellular defects especially in the Sommer sector. The white matter of this gyrus was partially covered by spongiosis. Nerve cells in almost all specimens showed alterations involving tigrolysis, severe cellular or ischemic changes. Most Purkinje cells were homogenously altered. In addition to Sommer's sector, uneven cellular loss of inferior olive, Purkinje cells and numerous cortical vacuolations were found. The vessels were fibrotic, most filled with blood. The adventitial spaces were almost always dilated, showing sparse round cell elements and single macrophages with hemosiderin. The nerve fibers of the white matter were dispersed. In locally, small free spaces of transudate fluid could be seen. A doubtful 2-nucleus nerve cell was visible in the globus pallidus. The meninges were thickened and fibrotic.Histological diagnosis: Cavitas posttraumatica. Degeneratio parenchymatosa cornus Ammonis, cerebelli, nuclei olivaris inferioris at corticis in decursu epilepsiae symptomaticae. Hyperaemia et oedema cerebri. Fibrosis meningum.}, title={File of histopathological evaluation of nervous system diseases (1962) - nr 161/62}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/213883/PDF/161_62.pdf}, keywords={Encephalopathies & Myelopathies- primary tumors}, }