@misc{Śliwiak_Joanna_Complexes_2017, author={Śliwiak, Joanna}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, language={eng}, abstract={This doctoral thesis presents studies of pathogenesis related proteins of class 10 (PR-10). Sofar no specific function has been assign to this group. The PR-10 family consist of small,intracellular biomolecules of acidic character, whose expression is elevated in response to bioticand abiotic stress. The characteristic fold of PR-10 proteins, which consists of seven antiparallelβ strands wrapped around an extended, C-terminal α helix, creates a globular protein with alarge, hydrophobic cavity, which is capable of accommodating small-molecule ligands. Althoughmany constitutively expressed plant proteins exhibit the PR-10 fold, they are not typicallyrelated to pathogenesis. A variety of different ligand classes, including cytokinins, flavonoids andsteroids, have been demonstrated so far (via crystallographic and biophysical methods) tooccupy the PR-10 cavity.}, type={Text}, title={Complexes of PR-10 proteins with plant hormones: crystallographic and biophysical studies}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/208765/PDF/POZN271_245705_doktorat-sliwiak.pdf}, }