@misc{Skorupska_Anna_Plant_1989, author={Skorupska, Anna}, volume={4-3}, number={6-5}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, journal={Biotechnologia, vol.4-3, 6-5(1990)-.}, howpublished={online}, year={1989}, publisher={Committee on Biotechnology PAS}, publisher={Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS}, language={pol}, abstract={Bacteria associated with the plant rhizosphere may affect beneficially the growth and the development of plants. The effects fall Into two categories according to whether the bacteria benefit the plant directly or Indirectly. Direct beneficial effects arise when bacteria provide the plants with nutrients or growth factors. Indirect beneficial effects of rhizosphere colonizing bacteria may happen when they produce antibiotics and .siderophores which antagonize phytopatogenic fungi and other bacteria. These plant growth promoting bacteria may be used as bio-fertilizers or biological disease control agents to increase agricultural yields.}, title={Plant beneficial bacteria}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/187279/PDF/POZN271_221700_biotechnologia-1989-no4-3-skorupska.pdf}, keywords={biotechnology}, }