@misc{_The, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, howpublished={online}, abstract={The apparently nominal forms szkoda ‘pity’, wstyd ‘shame’, żal ‘regret’, when used predicatively, havebeen analysed either as ‘quasi-verbs’ (inflecting only for tense and mood), or as adverbs, or as nouns. Theauthor recalls and reinforces arguments against their verbal analysis, and shows that such forms are categoriallyambiguous. In their adverbial guise, they may be modified by other adverbs, they do not agree withthe copula, they may co-occur with a dative experiencer, and they may occur in other predicative constructions,apart from copular constructions. In their nominal guise, they may be modified by adjectives, theyagree with the copula, they do not easily combine with a dative experiencer, and they do not occur in otherpredicative constructions. The author also argues that this categorial ambiguity is correlated with the twocopular constructions in Polish: one involving the purely verbal copula być ‘be’ and the other involving theso-called ‘pronominal’ copula to (być).}, title={The grammatical status of predicative szkoda ‘pity’, wstyd ‘shame’, żal ‘regret’ – once more}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/174062/PDF/Polonica%2039%20strony%2085-110%20Przepiorkowski.pdf}, keywords={copulas, predication, predicative adverbs, verbal subjects, The apparently}, }