@misc{Słabek_Henryk_(1928–2020)_Osadnictwo_1964, author={Słabek, Henryk (1928–2020)}, volume={71}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, number={2}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Kwartalnik Historyczny}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1964}, publisher={Państwowe Wydawnictwa Naukowe}, language={pol}, title={Osadnictwo rolne repatriantów na ziemiach dawnych po 1944 r.}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/16522/PDF/WA303_29909_A96-r1964-R71-nr2_KH-07-Sla.pdf}, keywords={repatriation - Poland - 1945-, displacement of people - former German territories in the East - 1945-, agriculture - economic aspects - Poland - 1945-}, }