@misc{Cherner_Ewa_Przyczynek_2020, author={Cherner, Ewa and Bem, Kazimierz}, volume={64}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license}, journal={Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Historii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents unknown letters concerning the filling of pastoral vacancy at Tursko Wielkie written by Rev. Jan Herowski (from 1798 and 1799), and the letters about the Evangelical Reformed Congregation at Piaski Luterskie (Wielkie) from 1806 by two pastors associated with it: Adam Huisson and Józef Kühn. The letters correct and complement our knowledge about the two congregations and the pastors mentioned above as well as reveal contacts between the Calvinist Unities (Churches) of Lesser Poland and of Lithuania at the turn of the nineteenth century.}, title={Przyczynek do dziejów zborów ewangelicko-reformowanych w Piaskach Luterskich (Wielkich) koło Lublina i Tursku Wielkim oraz kontaktów między Jednotami Małopolską i Litewską na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/154399/PDF/WA303_188462_A512-64-2020_OiR-Cherner-Bem.pdf}, keywords={Calvinism in Lesser Poland, Calvinism in Lithuania, Reformed Clergy, Reformed Church - Lithuania (Grand Duchy) - history - sources, Reformed Church - Małopolska (Poland) - history - sources, Calvinism - Lithuania (Grand Duchy) - history, Calvinism - Poland - history, Calvinists - Poland - Małopolska (region) - history - 1500-1800, Calvinists - Lithuania (Grand Duchy) - history, Reformed Church - clergy - Poland - history, Reformed Church - clergy - Lithuania - history}, }