@misc{Króliczak_Paweł_Growth_1995, author={Króliczak, Paweł and Grajek, Włodzimierz and Tomkowiak, Michał}, volume={30}, number={3}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, journal={Biotechnologia, vol.30, 3 (1995)-.}, howpublished={online}, year={1995}, publisher={Committee on Biotechnology PAS}, publisher={Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS}, language={pol}, abstract={Embriogenic and nonembriogenic suspension cultures of cucumber were cultivated in a 5-Lstirred bioreactor. Significant differences between kinetic characteristics of these cell lines (growthrate, tissue morphology, sugar and nitrogen metabolism) are presented.Nonembriogenic culture demonstrated faster growth rate and greater nutrient uptake. Mechanical stress in stirred bioreactor under experimental conditions was negligible.}, title={Growth kinetics of embriogenic and nonembriogenic suspension cultures of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in stirred bioreactor}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/147671/PDF/POZN271_183297_biotechnologia-1995-no3-kroliczak.pdf}, keywords={biotechnology}, }