@misc{Petrusewicz_Kazimierz_Ekologia_1974, author={Petrusewicz, Kazimierz}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1974}, language={pol}, abstract={The following periods can be distinguished in the development of ecology in People’s Poland: 1) the period of creation of ecology (up to 1952), in which ecological research centres were formed in Warsaw, Cracow, Toruń and Olsztyn; 2) the period of development of population and biocenotic research (1952—1962); 3) the period of productivity research (from 1962), a further development of whichis formed by studies on the functioning of ecosystems. On an international scale Polish ecology has made its greatest achievements in the following fields: 1) population studies (elaboration of an original concept of a population as arealecological unit); 2) biocenosis studies (elaboration or development of a large numberof concepts as to biocenosis structure and the mechanisms controlling it); 3) bioenergetics of different organisms; 4) productivity of ecosystems (definition of valueand sometimes mechanisms of production, consumption andPoland has made a very important contribution to work under theBiological Programme. The sources of the successes achieved by Polish ecologymay be considered as 1) the very young and talented staff engaged in this fieldof study and 2) the fact of the formation and fruitful activities of the Instituteof Ecology of Polish Academy of Sciences, in which research has been carried out on problems covering the whole of ecology as a scientific discipline.}, title={Ekologia w XXX-leciu Polski Ludowej}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/147229/PDF/WA058_105714_P3259-20-Eko-Pol-B.pdf}, volume={20}, number={3}, journal={Wiadomości Ekologiczne}, publisher={Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe}, keywords={Ecology - Poland - journals}, }