@misc{Loewenthal_David._Tłumacz_Auswahl_1861, author={Loewenthal, David. Tłumacz and Gins, Aleksander (c. 1819 – 1908). Drukarz and Herder, Johann Gottfried (1744–1803) and Krummacher, Friedrich Adolf (1767–1845) and Günsburg, Karl Siegfried (1788–1850)}, copyright={Public Domain}, address={Warschau}, howpublished={online}, year={1861}, publisher={Druck von Alexander Gins}, language={ger}, type={Text}, title={Auswahl der schönsten und gediegensten Parabeln von v. Herder, Krummacher und Günsburg}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/146957/PDF/WA248_180739_F-22207_auswahl_o.pdf}, keywords={Polish Judaica - 19 c., German prose - 18 th. c., German prose - 19th c.}, }