@misc{Stefański_Krzysztof_(1955–_)_Łódź_2019, author={Stefański, Krzysztof (1955– )}, editor={Łupienko, Aleksander (1980– ). Editor}, editor={Zabłocka-Kos, Agnieszka (1957– ). Editor}, editor={Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Instytut Historii PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The urban layout of the city of Łódź developed in the 1820s, when new industrial settlements were being established. The urban landscape created at that time consisted of three main parts: the Old Town, New Town, and Łódka, connected by the main meridional artery called Piotrkowska Street. The centre was to be formed with the New Market Square, an octagonal square at the axis of Piotrkowska Street in the central part of the New Town. It was to be given a representative character by two buildings: City Hall and the Augsburg Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity, with a school added at a later time. However, the north-south elongation of the city, characteristic of Łódź, and the location of the New Market Square in its northern part, while the main industrial plants were clustered in the southern part, prevented the Market from becoming the city centre. During the dynamic development of the city in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the city centre as such began to crystalize at the middle section of Piotrkowska Street, under the strong influence of a new railway station being built in the neighbourhood of Łódź-Fabryczna. What was also important were investments by private entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, the area along the busy street lacked some elements essential for a city centre. There was no free space, no square for public gatherings, and no representative, monumental public buildings. In consequence, neither location became a city centre in the full sense of the word. In general, this situation has not changed today. Periods of reconstruction throughout the twentieth century, both in the interwar years and after 1945, have not borne fruit. In addition, the attempt in 2010 to create a New Centre of Łódź also ended in failure.}, type={Text}, title={Łódź – miasto bez centrum?}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/140640/PDF/WA303_175670_II14682_Stefanski.pdf}, keywords={cities and towns - Poland - history - 19th c., cities and towns - Poland - history - 1900-1945, architecture and society - Poland - history - 19th c., architecture and society - Poland - history - 1900-1945, architecture - Poland - Łódź - history, city planning - Poland - Łódź - history, city centre, urban cores}, }