@misc{Fidziańska-Dolot_Anna_(1930–2015)_Files_2009, author={Fidziańska-Dolot, Anna (1930–2015)}, editor={Mossakowski Medical Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences. Department of Neuromuscular}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, language={pol}, abstract={A 4-year-old patient with congenital miopathy was examined. A biceps sinister biopsy was performed.Electronmicroscopy analysis revealed damaged, swollen mitochondria characterized by lightmitochondrial matrix and significant loss of mitochondrial cristae. Cell nuclei in some muscle fiberswere located centrally. Numerous fat droplets were visible.Carnitine level in the muscle tissue within the normal range (34,65 nM/mgB; norm 17-48nM/mgB)}, title={Files for neuromuscular diseases (2009) - nr 20/09}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/128382/PDF/20_09_calosc.pdf}, }