@misc{Hinneberg_Paul_(1862–1934)._Red._Zellen-_1913, author={Hinneberg, Paul (1862–1934). Red. and Strasburger, Eduard (1844–1912). Red. and Benecke, Wilhelm (1868–1946). Oprac. and B. G. Teubner (Lipsk)}, copyright={Public Domain}, address={Leipzig ;}, address={Berlin}, journal={Die Kultur der Gegenwart}, howpublished={online}, year={1913}, publisher={B. G. Teubner}, language={ger}, type={Text}, title={Zellen- und gewebelehre Morphologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte. 1, Botanischer Teil}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/125193/PDF/WA488_157481_203957_Hinneberg-Zellen.pdf}, keywords={Morphology - Animals, Plant - cells, Histology, Embryology, Botany - plant cells - tissue formations - morphology - plant development - alphabetical list of names}, }