@misc{Ulrich_Werner_The_1999, author={Ulrich, Werner}, editor={Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Dziekanów Leśny}, howpublished={online}, year={1999}, language={eng}, abstract={In 1986 and 1988 the hymenopterous fauna of a semixerophytic meadow on limestone near Gottingen (FRG) was studied using ground-photo-eclectors. A total of 4982 specimens belonging to 475 different species were collected. Extrapolations from double-log functions revealed that there may be as many as 1330 parasitoid species present per year. 455 of the 475 species were parasitoids. 155 of them attack dipterans. 48 lepidopterans. 36 beetles. 23 wasps, 22 plant hoppers and 13 aphids. 47 of the species are egg-parasitoids and parasitoids of miners, ectophytophages count for 44 of the wasp species. The abundance of the wasp fauna was rather high (1120 ± 53 ind. m-2 a-1 (1986) and 335 ± 42 ind. m-2 a-1 (1988). Most abundant were the parasitoids of miners, gall-makers and the egg-parasitoids. Compared with the high abundance the biomass was low. In 1986 the wasps weighed a total of 194 ± 24 mgDW m-2 a-1 and in 1988 only 69 ± 20 mgDW m-2 a-1. The parasitoids of ectophytophagous lepidopterans and coleopterans counted for more than half of the whole biomass.}, type={Text}, title={The Hymenoptera of a dry meadow on limestone: species composition, abundance and biomass}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/106112/PDF/WA058_90871_P2840-T47_Eko-Pol-A-Nr-1.pdf}, volume={47}, number={1}, journal={Polish Journal of Ecology}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology. Publishing Office}, keywords={Hymenoptera, parasitoids, faunal composition, density, biomass, species numbers, local extinction}, }