@misc{Studziński_Jan_Modelowanie_2001, author={Studziński, Jan}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Raport Badawczy = Research Report}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk}, publisher={Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={In lhls paper the solval>lllly analysls and numcrlcal calculallons or a quasllincar, lwo-dhncnslonal problem of a vlscous llquld llow In a rcclanglc arc dlscusscd. The llow Is dcscrll>cd l>y lhe Navlcr-Slokcs, energy and conlinully cquallons. The analysls occurs wllh help of the e -approxlmal.lon and somc llnllc dlffcrcnccs arc usccl t.o gcl the numcrtcal solutlon or lhc prol>lcm. The lhcorcms of lite cxlslcncc, uniqucncss and convcrgcncc of lhc sulutlon arc proovcd. 'The calculallons arc made for somc real dat.a from a glass lank fumacc. In lhc paper an atlcmp lo rcconcilc lhc U1corcllcal lnvcsllgallon wllh pracllcal applicallons Is made.}, type={Text}, title={Modelowanie matematyczne , symulacja komputerowa i identyfikacja dynamiki przepływu cieczy w wannie szklarskiej * On the solutlon of a nonllnear Navler-Stokes problem uslng the finlte dlfference method}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl./Content/103531/PDF/RB-2001-35.pdf}, keywords={Modelowanie matematyczne, Modelowanie komputerowe, Navier-stokes equations, Równania naviera-stokesa, Solvabilty analysls, Mathematlcal modelling, Compuler simulatlons, Dynamic systems, Glas mass currents, Parameter and structure estimation, Dynamic system estimation, Computer simulation, Symulacje komputerowe, Układy dynamiczne}, }